Sarah Anderson

Competitive. Details. Industry. Goal setting. Learning. Improving.

I am an artist with a competitive attitude that always wants the pieces to be the most grandiose they can be, even if it might be unattainable in the timeframe. I have a habit of redoing projects close to their due dates because, as I further explore them, stronger designs or ideas come to mind. I have been labeled both courageous and insane for this habit of mine, but it is how I work. I am always thinking about new solutions even when knee-deep in one, and am not afraid to change at a moment’s notice. I crave the newest techniques and technology used within the industry to stay sharp and go above and beyond my peers. As a result, I become far beyond “proficient” with my tools, and strive instead for total mastery. Although I am easily motivated for any project, I tend to seek out opportunities to engage in the creative community of character art and rigging.