After graduation, I began diving into rigging headfirst. This project was a huge learning curve for me as it was the first time I made a rig from scratch. I dealt with funky mirrored jointed, broken IKs that were reversed even with joints oriented properly, "fun" with switches, expressions not behaving correctly, and other things that had the potential to stop me in my tracks. With a little time, I figured out solutions to them on my own which I am still very proud of. Troubleshooting a rig isn't exactly the easiest of things, but with thoroughness and loads of incremented save files, I created a rig that's very functional! This rig taught was a huge learning experience that taught me about the whole process in a very thorough way; trial by fire.




I've taken it upon myself to start learning Python this year to automate some of the rigging process. Once I've learned enough to put this new skill to use you'll find relevant code snippets here!